My daughter is 2 years old.
I love having the little, joyful, fun filled conversations with her.
I share some of them here with you all.
Shriya sees some cash in my wallet and goes "Aiii".
I said, Aiii Whats this... Dollars..
After a short pause, she said .. Paperrrrr....
(September, 5, 2014)
We were very excited to see her open her Christmas present, a bike,..
She unwrapped the gift and there was wrapping paper all around her..
I asked her "whats thaaat?.. " expecting the joyful answer "Bike" or "cycle".
She promptly replied "Traaash.."
(December 25, 2014)
Shriya has become a backseat driver!!!
Her top instructions are fast fast mommy, slow down mommy(for red light), Woah.. Careful, Go, Lets Go(for green light).
(January 15, 2015)
I love having the little, joyful, fun filled conversations with her.
I share some of them here with you all.
Shriya sees some cash in my wallet and goes "Aiii".
I said, Aiii Whats this... Dollars..
After a short pause, she said .. Paperrrrr....
(September, 5, 2014)
We were very excited to see her open her Christmas present, a bike,..
She unwrapped the gift and there was wrapping paper all around her..
I asked her "whats thaaat?.. " expecting the joyful answer "Bike" or "cycle".
She promptly replied "Traaash.."
(December 25, 2014)
Shriya has become a backseat driver!!!
Her top instructions are fast fast mommy, slow down mommy(for red light), Woah.. Careful, Go, Lets Go(for green light).
(January 15, 2015)
I love the cute and funny answers your daughter has!