Why I am happy that my toddler goes to daycare?
Having parents/in-laws come for a few months to visit us is Great!
Its great for the kids and the grandparents who get so much of quality time to spend together. Great for parents who can leave for work with peace of mind, get pampered and get a lot of help around the house.
Am not denying the above facts in anyway.
My daughter Shriya went to daycare from 4 months - 10 months. From 11 - 15 months She was home as grandparents were here. It was great! But, now that she is again going to full time daycare, I see how there are more advantages than disadvantages, in spite of the fact that they are exposed to more infections than kids at home.
In most families in India, the child gets to interact with so many people everyday. They could be neighbors, cousins, aunts and uncles, grandparents, milkman, postman, street vendors, servant maid.. the list goes on. But here in US, if the kid stays home, for the whole week the only people she sees are parents(and grandparents if they came to visit), Period. The only time she sees others are during the weekly grocery shopping(No interaction) or at a birthday party(Less interaction). Now in daycare she has her own new little world where she can make friends, interact, learn and have fun. I am not able to scientifically theorize why it is good for the child, but intuitively it is obviously good to have real human interactions with multiple humans.
Good Food Great Life
She is enjoying the variety of food that daycare provides and she gets to eat with friends around.
Sounds like Party all Week, isn't it? When she was at home all I remember is she was eating Paruppu Sadham (Lentil with rice) / some bland rice all day of the week. Now she sees her friends eat and She is eating better now(bigger chunks) and shows much interest in feeding herself.
Fun, Fun & Fun
All the fun and learning she gets now, we could not provide at home. I could not make her sit at one place for a story book. She had so much of energy but was spending it all just running around the house. Now her energy is streamlined to many indoor and outdoor activities. Not to mention, all the costume week fun, fun arts and crafts, singing, dancing, outdoor play etc etc.
No more a baby
In daycare the child has a schedule to stick with. No more loooooooooonng lunch sessions, skipping naps, taking naps and keeping parents up at midnight. No more. The child is treated like a grown up. She is given a plate and spoon in the dining table - which I never did at home - to my eyes she was still a baby and thought she will spill food all over. She is being given crayons to draw - which I never did as I was worried that she will chew the crayons. She feels proud during such moments. Moreover, she plays with humans of her size, which would have been very important to me if I was a baby as I would have felt aloof among huge adults and this would have given me some assurance that this size is normal.
Is she there Yet?!?!
Before she went to daycare, I used to keep worrying and wondering if other babies are taller, chubbier, more smarter etc etc than my daughter. I made a lot of assumptions and internet was my only source of information. Now, seeing her among others of same age group gives me more confidence. I get a good practical assurance through teachers and other parents. This makes me feel in line with other parents.
She enjoys going to school and as soon as I open the daycare door, she runs to her class!!!
All that I wanted!
If you are an NRI working mom worried about sending your child to daycare, trust me its a win-win for the kid and the parent.